THE local Portrait Photographer preferred by: introverted professionals, camera-shy teens and fun-loving families in & around Seaford, Delaware. Serving discerning clients all over the De-Mar-Va Peninsula. Fine Art, Family, Baby, Maternity/Motherhood, Child, HS Senior, Professional Headshots and Wedding/Engagement Portrait Photographer. Print, Album and Wall Art specialist.
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- In the Blink of an Eye
This little guy here...will be a Senior in High School this year!!! He grew the "Blink of an eye." (My photo under an old business name and watermark) I made a social media post recently that showed a selfie taken 9 years ago, alongside a selfie taken yesterday and "it had me all in my feels" (is that even a pop phrase these days?). It all started because I'm marking a certain #milestoneBirthday this year and it's hitting me harder than all of the usual culprits of the past. Emotionally-speaking, aging can be difficult...even bittersweet and I know that to be true by watching the experience through someone else's eyes all throughout my life. But boy.... is it different when YOU'RE the one doing the aging. It's not vanity speaking, either. (Although the fact that I'm missing a few teeth now and can't wear my beloved mascara and tastefully applied eye makeup anymore and my skin can't make up its mind whether it's going to break out like a teenager or be so dry it could scratch an alligator these days...DOES get me down a bit; I'm not gonna lie.) That post wasn't about "how I looked then vs now", although the "look at the pictures but don't read" -type friends counted among the post visitors responded with the polite and kind (all-be-it automatic) chorus of: "you look beautiful" and "that's okay, you still have those beautiful eyes going for you!" It was about how it has all-of-a-sudden hit me that I am running out of time. I've been down in the dumps a little more than usual the past month and it's starting to show. The "Purpose Driven Life" I thought I was supposed to be living, has taken its toll on my looks AND my spirit. "Losing your looks" is inevitable, so I don't care about that part. I've even stopped experimenting with coloring my hair to try and make my appearance match my energy . No, what I lament is that I haven't really lived a Life....even though the lines in my face say otherwise. I don't recognise any of the milestones I'd set for myself as the measure against which I could determine if I've lived a successful, purpose-filled or experience-rich Life, as dreamt up by my child-self nearly 6 decades ago. When you spend your whole life in service to others ...regardless of who the "others" are to you (whether it be family, your own children, or private duty "clients" under Hospice care or "Residents staying with us" in a Nursing Home or long term care facility or "customers" of a retail establishment, or "shoppers" at the Deli you worked in or, yes, even VIP Portrait Clients-turned-Friends as I have) hits you, HARD, when you're facing the final third of your OWN life and find that you didn't take the time to care for yourself along the way. You haven't "Lived" a Life. You've existed. You've helped others live a Life and that part makes you happy inside. But, "I know my turn will come eventually" becomes such a fluid mantra that you don't even realize that you've trained that inner voice to say it before your brain even thinks it aloud. I met an amazing young lady while waiting for my lunch order yesterday. She was dressed in what looked like a uniform to me and was waiting for her order, placed before mine. Before we knew it; offering to share a seat went from a polite "No, thanks...I sit ALL day at work and it's not good for me", to sharing some deep contemplation on aging. This is the part where the other person usually winds up telling me their entire life story but instead; it was me who felt safe enough to open up to her. During the course of the exchange, I got to the part where I shared how much I hope I've fulfilled my purpose by the time this Life is up...and how unimportant it has suddenly become for me to "find my purpose"at all, in favor of simply "living a life". (I actually think that IS the only purpose for living a Life....that the journey is different for all of us...but we define it by what we do with the time we have here and what we do not do, too.) She shared with me how her faith has shown her the importance of "today", that while she recognises the importance of planning for the future and deferring one's one needs in favor of those of another's, temporarily....she also values those moments when she can stop and just "breathe". Because it's in THOSE moments that "Now" becomes the only time there is. Tomorrow isn't here... yesterday is past. Now is all she has. Now is all any of us have. And as fast as we say its name.... "Now", is gone.... In the Blink of an Eye. For me; the future has suddenly become unimportant in favor of "Today". Speculation on what surprises tomorrow may bring... is suddenly a time and energy waster, to me, because I've lived an entire lifetime focused on the "future" , and "tomorrow" , and when I grow up, I'm going to be _______" , and "when the kids grow up, I'm finally going to __________" and "when I make enough money, I'll be SO happy to ______" , and "I hope I get to live to see the day my youngest grandchildren get married and have babies of their own". I didn't even notice when my Lifetime came.... and went.... "In the Blink of an Eye"
- SPOOF! DON'T TOUCH THAT PHONE! (You never who's calling...)
Me: "Unfortunately, I find it necessary to screen calls more often than usual these days, so If you call the studio and get the Voicemail...please DO leave a message and the best way to get back to you. I DO return your phone call...sometimes immediately, but always within 8-24 hours." Client: " Why don't you ever seem to answer when I call you? Are you THAT busy?" " I HATE speaking to a voicemail/answering machine. I want to speak to a real person. " I refuse to speak to anything other than a human and will just take my business elsewhere, then". Me: "SPOOF!" Client: "What the heck!? Did you fart? " Me: "No. Spoof is the reason I have to screen my calls and answer them at some other time, usually a most INCONVENIENT time for both myself and my client. And I hate that things are this way. It goes against my Business standards of practice and exemplary customer service...and personally-speaking, it's unsavory practice in-general, imo. It costs me business and RUINS my reputation before it is even established." Look at this: 302 629 9144 , 302 255 3176, 1 337 357 9614 X4 in 3 minutes, 302 573 4334, 336 729 9396, 336 729 3896 X 2 within minutes, 302 2773 5925, 302 775 728, 302 298 8862, 302 765 5130, 1 520 636 2314, 302 266 5299, 320 437 0807, 302 660 4911, 302 824 7833, 302 316 0477, 302 497 1525, 302 709 2759....and PAGES MORE full of legitimate phone numbers taken straight from the phone book (albeit online these days), online business websites, contacts and digital address books. In other words PUBLIC information. Now some of those phone numbers come up on the caller ID as "United States Government", "Wells Fargo""Hertrich"....even "Capitol One". I know because I'm watching the Caller ID window as it rings while I wait to see if they leave a message. "New Voicemail" Oh yay! People are calling left and right to schedule #Portrait sessions or better yet; #Headshots! (And thank GOODNESS, because I am going to lose my home and/or close my doors permanently pretty soon if I can't get business coming in FAST! Everything is two months behind.) "Eeeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe, WHICH bill must I fore-go"!?! *Listening to messages * "Hello. This is Search Business Listings. Your customers cannot find you on search engines. Please remain on the line to speak with a representative... or press 4 to opt out!" (Or 1 or 3 ...or whatever the Spoof-er Du jour decides to suggest that day. grumble ). This began as far back as the first week I had this digital Business phone number through Comcast for Business in 2022. I became SO irritated that I requested a different number, and guess what? Yep! It started all over again. I'm a MICRO, Solo-preneur Service-provider/BUSINESS. I HAVE to be listed in order to be FOUND. I have to put that number out there in order for clients to find me (more now than ever, since the move), which the Spoofers know and exploit. About a decade ago, when I was a gig photographer using my personal unlisted phone number to conduct business, I made the mistake of setting up a free webpage and email so folks could find me there through social media. One frigid winter's day an elderly man called me and the moment I picked up, started reaming me out: He: "I want to know WHO THIS IS!!! and WHY do you KEEP CALLING me!?!! I DON'T KNOW you and I DON'T want whatever you're selling!!! STOP CALLING ME!!!!" Me: (flabbergasted) " Ummmm.... Sir, I don't recognise your name or number on the caller ID. Were you trying to call for a photographer?" He: " Hell no! YOU called ME and I want you to stop." Me: " I'm sorry Sir, but you're mistaken. The phone is sitting here right beside me and I haven't used it since early this morning while talking to my husband at work." "My name is Theresa A Johnson and I'm a Photographer. This phone number is unlisted/private and I haven't made ANY calls in days. I mostly answer them. My call log can show you." I don't know who is calling you using my number but they're not me. I'm sorry." Now, quite cell phone would ping me some weird place (like Wilmington or New Jersey...when I'm sitting right here in my livingroom in Millsboro De.) at the I thought maybe this was some strange glitch in the technology. It wasn't then in 2014.... and it isn't NOW in 2025. Spoofers use the public information, specifically phone numbers to legitimate businesses and legitimately registered/contracted personal phone numbers that are listed with service providers like Verizon, T-Mobile etc. to FRAUDULENTLY goad people into either: Giving up personal information (when the irritated person FINALLY picks up to reem out who ever is on the other end, the SPoofer tells them they "can clear it up for you by removing your number from our database" or "putting you on our Do Not Call lists" ...the non-existent one, that is... or "To OPT Out" etc. ) Would you like me to do that for you? Yes? Okay first... "Who am I talking to? " I mean they should already know if they're legitimate, shouldn't they? THEY called YOU sixty-million-gajillioin times which is why you're so angry and talking to them in the first place. THIS is the HOOK, people. The next thing they should hear is the CLICK! of you hanging up. DO NOT give them your information. And definitely don't give it to them thinking it will make this stop. On the contrary... this false listing Spoofer is actually some poor slob working a side gig from home "SELLING listings", often thinking they are doing something "good" because the fraudulent listing company has told them they will be paid $1000/week just for making phone calls from home. " Of course, they DON'T make that kind of money, but "one never knows unless you try", right!? Ask me how I know. Purchasing a Business Listing (which is ultimately fraudulent and does NOTHING to promote your business nor bring more in the doors). In fact, I've found my name and phone number on FAKE, useless Listing Sites which ask "Is this your business? If so... "Claim It Here" . Yep. You guessed it ..... ALSO Fake. Don't get me started on THAT one! "SPOOF" is why I Don't Touch That Phone. "SPOOF!" is why I screen calls and why my clients and prospective clients have to speak to something other than human to reach me. "SPOOF" is the new technology- pandemic that isn't so new but seems to generate a new variant every season. Now.... Where's my can of "SPOOF!-Be-Gone"? P.S. Reporting the numbers to the FTC or other Government agency is pointless. They can't do a thing about it because the numbers are legitimate to legitimate people and/or businesses and there is NO way to know when the true owner or the number is on the other end of the line when you pick up, or a SPOOF!-er. You can't call them back and ask to be removed from the list or "opt-Out" either. All that does is tell the Spoofer that there is a real person on the other end who is ripe for the picking because they're angry and want the hell to stop. Also PPS: If you ever get a call from 302 536 1330 Taj Portraits or Theresa A Johnson | Portrait Photographer and you DIDN'T call me with an inquiry first: It's not me. I've been SPOOF!-ed.
- Blog post 2025 Playing Catch Up
I don't know about you, but my heads is swimming! The adage "Time FLIES when you're having fun" applies whether you're having fun... OR building a business! As if the universe wants to drive that point home; I just came across a Blog post I began this time LAST year. (Look for "The Skinny...On Minis" in the Blog Entry list). Anyway, 2024 flew by and was a bit of a kick-in-the-pants, tbh. I learned a lot, cried a lot, laughed a lot and photographed a lot (of really great people). A good few of those photographic opportunities were with friends and long-term, repeat clients (the latter always brings me great joy). Click on the gallery below and have a look at these images, only partially representing the work we accomplished throughout the year, all-the-while I was moving: * Out of one home Into another home Out of my studio on High Street Into my new Studio location (My former home is now entirely used for studio/business 726 W Ivy Drive Seaford, De. Open daily but Sessions are By Appointment Only (I want to preserve the sanctity of the private neighborhood feel and KEEP my beloved neighbors happy!) Same Day appointments are available every day, including weekends...but you must call ahead to book/confirm before coming in . To make this move; I was essentially shut down during PEAK revenue generating season (Christmas/Holidays) for 3 weeks while the matter of a variance was settled. Coupled with about $1k of completely unanticipated-and-emergency expenses...I'm starting the new year severely behind the 8-ball. Additionally, I spent many weeks away from the Studio, working as an Election Official, which means, my business was closed. Yeah....2024 was...well..... A lot. I'm glad that's all behind me now and, like you: I'm looking ahead to a more prosperous, healthy and memorable 2025 full of opportunity and fortitude. This is the third official year in business here in Seaford and that's always a make-or-break year. I've already begun the planning, scheduling and marketing for #events, special sessions and increased availability for #professionalhheadshots . (Did you know that January and February are peak Headshot times for the studio? If you're considering updating YOUR Headshot or Brand Portraits, Click here to find out which service suits you best...and get in here, already! ) I've got some great new ideas (as if you needed any more inspiration or reason to make THIS the year for #familyportraits, too!. More weekends and off-peak weekdays are open for #JPWeddings, #IntimateWedding and #Backyard weddings this year. I've made it an unofficial New Year's Resolution to play catch up in 2025 with more regular blog post that update, educate and entertain you. And I've fine-tuned the pricing and package/service level options, too. You'll find more #PhotoProducts available this year like: #Albums, Wall Art, Photo Print packages and unusual sizes (great for creating your own wall art collage installation). Speaking of Wall Art Collage installations: I've offered them for years...but nobody seems insterested in them. So they will be discontinued at the end of 2025, in favor of a bigger assortment of special sizing, so you can DIY. In parting I want to leave you with this: This business is not just a personal "passion"'s not a "hobby"...and it's not "for the money" or prestige or fame. I DO have very personal, deep-seated reasons for doing this which I will share with you another time. But this is not for me alone. It's not something I do to pass the time or to challenge myself to do something with my life. I do this for everyone out there that feels like, if they don't exist in photos...they don't exist at all . I do it for all of us that feel unseen, unappreciated, undervalued, irrelevant, unworthy and unknown... As much as I do it for the beautiful, the blessed, the accomplished, the wealthy, the privileged, the pivotal, the progressive, the cherished, the loved and the REST. I do this for YOU. I do this for ALL of us. And I consider myself immensely blessed for being witness to and tapped to document the special blessings of your life and that of your loved ones. Because SOMEDAY, someone will be immensely grateful for the photo legacy we leave behind for them to discover and feel a deep connection with you. T~ P.S . hope you enjoyed: Blog post 2025 Playing Catch Up . Please consider commenting below and/or sharing with others via social media.
- Blog Post | Taj Portraits Seaford De.| The "Skinny"... on "Minis"
Are you like many of my clients...confused by the concept of "Minis"? (Mini-Sessions, that is.) This month's Blog Post takes the confusion out of the "what/why/when/where" of the Mini-Sessions offered by #TheresaAJohnsonPortraitPhotographer. Let's start with the... WHAT : What are "Minis" ? Basically, mini-sessions or "minis" are bite-sized experiences of what it's like to work with me. A mini-session is a much shorter version of a full-portrait session experience (we're talking 15 -30 minutes as opposed to 1-2 hours). Mini-Sessions are themed or based around a single backdrop/setting/color/season/location etc. and those variables chosen by the photographer. There usually isn't a lot of wiggle room in terms of props/poses/or set changes. (As opposed to the Full Portrait Session, where we pre-plan all of these elements together to create a highly customized, specific finished portrait collection). WHY: Why a "mini-session"? Because you deserve it! You see; I believe EVERYONE deserves to have professional, high-quality portrait photography in their home. I'd go so far as to say that everyone NEEDS it, in fact...just maybe not every season or every year. Portrait photography can be expensive AND time-consuming; especially to a cash-and-time-strapped family. But you and your family still deserve beautiful #familyportraits and you deserve to be present IN those beautiful family portraits, too! Your kids/grands/great-grands deserve to find connection with you through the photographs and portrait legacy you establish. Where? Where do we conduct mini sessions? Well, MOST of the mini sessions done by @TajPortraitsSeaford were conducted in-studio on High Street before October 2024. The beauty of #StudioMiniSessions by Taj Portraits, Seaford De. , is that the environment is private and climate controlled. We're not slaves to the weather! And I've got themed backdrops for most every season and occasion; so if you're feeling like Christmas in July..or Fall in Spring...we can do it! For example: take a look at the images up there. They were ALL done, INDOORS and in-studio! Pretty realistic-looking aren't they? ** Special Update ** I had to move my #SeafordDePortraitStudio space in September of 2024... away from High St. and into a space that was formerly my home. More on that later, but, as there was another business waiting to get into the space I vacated; it was a hasty move and I didn't have time to let the public know ahead of time. But the good news is: I'm STILL located in Seaford, De. proper...more centrally-located. And, while this move caused a lot of strife and difficulty for my business; ultimately it opened up MORE opportunity for #OutdoorPortraits , #GoldenHourFamilyPortraits, on-premesis and pricing adjustments that make it easier than ever to schedule and conduct both full and #minisessions, too! Which brings me to the last element... When!? When do we conduct mini-sessions? The GREAT news is that I recently made mini-sessions an option offered all the time in terms of a Service Level. Additionally, special mini-session events are scheduled throughout the year and are often themed to coordinate around special holidays and/or seasons of the year. In 2025, I'll be adding super exclusive, themed #PetMiniSessions to the mix at two locations. Think 4th of July outdoor pet minis (sans the scary fireworks!) and old-fashioned lemonade stand minis with children and their canine companion! Spring Flower gardens around the new studio space make for gorgeous seasonal minis outdoors, too. Tips: How to make your next mini session experience effortless, stressless and fun! DO: prepare the night before. If you have specific wardrobe pieces in mind, make sure everyone's clothing is clean, pressed (if necessary), fits well and in good repair. It helps to arrive already dressed (to minimize wrinkles from being packed into a bag), but the studio has a comfortable, private #dressingroom if you prefer. DO : Arrive on time...or notify the studio if you're running late! Most times, I have left enough room for late arrivals of up to 15 minutes, but if things just aren't going well...consider rescheduling. It's going to be easier on your sanity in the long run and your photographer will appreciate you for it. (Taj Portraits does not charge extra for rescheduling.) DON'T : arrive with extra people or animals to add or props to incorporate into this mini session. Mini Sessions are usually themed and already set up when you arrive. Addionally, it's an unfair inconvenience to clients scheduled after you. If you think you'd like to add someone or something not already discussed; DO call and check with the photographer BEFORE you head over. You might get lucky, but even if you don't...your photographer will be able to advise you. DO : make sure everyone appearing in photos is fed, well-rested, properly bribed.... um, no scratch that last one (unless it works!? wink ) "Hangry" is not a good look on anyone! DO : update your photographer on moods, illness (no matter how minor) or other special considerations when you arrive. It helps improve the efficiency and flow of your session. DO : keep an open mind and let go of the reins a little. You've kept your photographer in the loop, given as much insight and history about each of your family members and self and planned this ahead TOGETHER with your photographer. Now is the time to let loose a the process, trust your photographer ...and have a little fun! I promise, the time will FLY by. And just when you're feeling'll be all over. There you have it... the full "Skinny on Minis". I hope you get something useful from this blog post: The Skinny On Minis", by Taj Portraits, Seaford De. Feel free to hit that "heart" icon down there to let me know and help me get the word out by sharing the link with friends and family. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments...please leave them in the comments section below. Remember to sign up for email alerts, follow Theresa A Johnson Portrait Photographer on Facebook and/or @TajPortraitsSeaford on Instagram to get first access to preferential booking opportunities, incentives etc.
- The Year is 1/3 over ALREADY!? Some highlights from my first few months
'Shew! That was FAST! I don't know about you, but for ME...the first few months of 2023 have FLOWN by and yet I feel like I have SO much more to accomplish. As you can see from the Gallery up there; I've jumped in with both feet! So far, I've: * Provided quick portraits to attendees of a great fundraising Gala for the Seaford (De) Historical Society (and hobnobbed with some of the City's more established Families, making some new friends in the process) * Partnered with the Seaford (De) Senior High School "Blue Jays" to offer in-studio Traditional Senior Portraits to students who, for whatever reason, missed the opportunity to have their portrait in the soon-to-be-published Yearbook * Provided updated Executive Portraits to banking executives moving up the corporate ladder while bringing great service to their community (Congratulations on your promotions, everyone!) * Helped two wonderful humans doing wonderful things for their communities to represent their Brand via personality-filled portraits * Photographed a local City Councilman for updated portraits to be used in Campaign Business and Brand material (both online and in print) * Helped a beautiful young lady reclaim her power through Boudior portraits (WOWZA we created some stunners!) * Preserved memories and created keepsake portrait art for two fantastic Families Annnnnnd..... Throughout all this...for my own growth and establishment as Seaford Delaware's un-official "Portrait Photographer In-Residence"; I've joined the Western Sussex Chamber of Commerce and the Kiwanis Club of Seaford in hopes that my unique perspective and services can be of some benefit to my community through their respective outreach and networking opportunities. OH! And I've featured three new Seasonal backdrops / sets in Spring Mini-Session Marathon Weekend events. While these mini-session marathon weekends have not been quite as successful in getting families in for seasonal portraits; I am still considering making "Mini-Session Saturdays" a *thing*. "Stay tuned" on that one! Here's to making deeper connections, building lasting relationships and photographing my way into the heart of my community over the NEXT 4 months...and beyond. (Think High School Seniors, Cake smashes, Childhood Milestones, Family Beach Portraits, Weddings, Engagements, Studio Fine Art Portraits, Pet and their Humans Families on-Location, Mommy-and-Me, Mother's Day, Daddy-andMe, Father's Day...and Generational Portraits in honor of Grand Parent's Day! Birthdays, Boudior, Branding, "Just Because"... Oh MY!) When you're in town for a visit... stop in and check on me, will ya!? :)
- Top 5 Reasons you DON'T need a Professional Photographer
I hear them every day....the reasons why people don't hire a professional photographer. And I'm here to tell you; all the reasons why they're right! In descending order: 5. "My friend has a great new camera and will be in attendance anyway. I can just ask her/him to photograph my #wedding for me." You're right! I'm sure they are really flattered that you've put them on-the-spot and asked them to take on that immense pressure and responsibility instead of showing up for you and enjoying the memories created at your event alongside and WITH you! You don't need someone who has decades of experience, is calm cool & collected and who has made it their life's passion and career to take on that level of responsibility. 4. "My event isn't really a big deal. There aren't many people going, anyway." You're right! The few people who truly care about you enough to rearrange their schedules just so they can spend a little time with you probably don't care much about photos anyway ('cos, who knows when the next time we can all come together like this, right?). I'm sure your beloveds don't want to look back on these photos while sharing memories with their children either. 3. "I keep all the photos I take on my phone already and social media backs it up for me so I can share and revisit them ." You're right! It's amazing how long we keep our phone (at LEAST 6 mos. or so) and SD cards are a lot more trustworthy these days, too. Social media is a lot more secure...our #memories and precious images are a lot safer from hackers and identity thieves than ever before. 2. "I will hire a professional photographer when I've lost this excess weight and get a face-lift. I look so.....old, yanno?" (Well, you're NOT "right" about this one...but I DO agree with you in that, if you FEEL "old" or "fat" or "need a face lift", then you're going to see that when you look at your photos!) Because we *see* what we *feel* . We don't see what our beloveds feel when THEY look at photos of us. (This where my PASSION as a professional photographer, dwells; helping you see what your beloved feel about is my #1 goal. Everything else is secondary. ) And..... *DRUMROLL Please*..... The number ONE reason you DON'T need a professional photographer..... "It's just too expensive to hire someone to take photos of me! My selfies are good enough!" You are.... ABSOLUTELY... RIGHT! I can't think of a single professional photographer out there, worth their salt, who would tell you that you should pay for photos that are "good enough" when you can do that all by yourself! I certainly wouldn't! Value is in the judgement of the individual as much as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I mean, that mega steak-and seafood feast you paid $50 to devour last night was SO freakin' delicious going down (and lasted a whole 12 hours before making a hasty exit the next morning)! That #FamilyPortrait you paid maybe a few hundred dollars to create a BUNCH of different memories captured in irreplaceable imagery only lasts about...... ohhhhhh...... sayyyyyyy..... at LEAST.... 50 years. So there ya have it.... the Top Five Reasons You Don't Need A #ProfessionalPhotographer. Weigh them out for yourself! (But if you find that you DO need a professional portrait photographer after all, and are in #SeafordDelaware or nearly anywhere on the #DelMarVaPeninsula , give me a call or stop in the studio at 304 High Street Suite 101 and tell me all about it! Warmly, Theresa~ Theresa A Johnson | Portrait Photographer 302.536.1330
- Cookies, Jazz Hands and Contest
Hello Blog reader/friend/ and (future?) Client! It's December 21, 2022 and the Holidays are here! I want to wish everyone reading, every blessing of the matter what holiday(s) you observe. May it bring Peace, Joy, Love and Laughter to you and your loved ones into the New Year as well. Here's an update about what's happened around here in the 4 weeks since my "Soft Opening": The first "Holiday Mini Marathon" sessions were a success! Despite only having a couple of weeks to plan, implement and market them...many families came in and had a little fun creating memories (and beautiful, custom #HolidayGreetingCards!). Everyone...even the parents... enjoyed an "after-session cookie" or two. THANK you for coming in <3. (And, for anyone having family coming in from out of town wanting or needing a portrait done while they're here for the holidays, Please Note: the Studio will be closed Saturday December 24 through Monday December 26. I will re-open Tuesday December 27 at 10 am. As always, Walk-Ins ARE accepted whenever time permits ...but it's better to Book Your Session Ahead. "Jazz Hands With Santa" How many of us can say that we did "Jazz Hands with Santa"? (Well... at least 2 of us can ;) ) One of the best memories I am taking away from this first Christmas in business on High Street, is having Santa's house set up directly across the street from the studio. It's been AGES since I've shared any secrets with one evening, on my way home...I told the hubs (pictured on the right) "I'm gonna play a little trick with Santa and tell him I want to sit on his lap". *snickers* I'm not exactly "petite", yanno?. So.... over we went, but Santa didn't bat an eyelash! He just invited me in! Of course, the jig was up...there was NO way I wanted to wind up on the "naughty list" by breaking his legs when I sat down on his knee! He was a great sport when I asked for a photo with him, too. His helper elf captured this special memory in the #crapcellsnap shown above for posterity. (I mean: #PhotosOrItNeverHappened, right? When the holidays are over and things have settled down, I intend to see about joining (or otherwise supporting) the #KiwanisOfSeafordDelaware better in the coming year. They do SO much for so many children and their families throughout the year...and always with a kind smile, humble attitude and loving heart. (Remind me to share my own personal story/experience with the Kiwanis of Seaford with you, someday...will ya?) And that brings me to the "Contest" part (it's up there in the Title...see it? *smiles* ) I recently did a #poll on my facebook page , asking folks which type of backdrops should I focus my limited funds on in the coming months for mini and full in-studio sessions. The general consensus seems to be "Spring!" (among the other two choices of "Valentine's Day" or "Easter"). So... I'm on the hunt for one or two backdrops to use in the studio for portraits with a Spring or Easter feel for Themed Minis and Full Portrait sessions. Would YOU like to win a complimentary Spring-themed In-Studio Mini session? (I THOUGHT you might! *smiles* ) Here's how it will go: In the coming week, I will post two or three top contenders for my choice of Spring themed backdrops that are top quality and versatile enough for me to build sets around for Easter, Bridal, or Mom-And-Me Sessions in 2023. To be entered in the drawing for a complimentary Spring Mini-Session simply: "Like" and "Follow" my Facebook Business Page (click this linked text) Vote for your choice of favorite backdrop Share the Poll/Post in at least 2 other places (can be your personal FB page, your Business page, other social media pages you own or in Local FB groups to which you belong. ("LOCAL" being the operative word here. Winner must be local to Seaford, Delaware and able to come to the studio for a family or individual portrait mini session. Date and Time TBD.) Watch for the Announcement post on my Page for the three backdrop options and the prompt to take action in order to win! Thank you ... and Good Luck! With all that said...I want to thank everyone again, for making my first Holiday Season in the new Studio Space a success. I look forward to meeting/photographing you in the coming months... .let's get you scheduled , soon okay!?
- I opened a Studio one day, then had to close for 10. Here's what I learned from that experience...
Keeping one's commitments is ultra-important to me...even if it means closing my week-old Studio space down for 10 days. Most local friends and family know how I came to get this space I've dreamt of for three years and counting already, so I will spare you those details, dear reader; for the purpose of this blog entry is to share what I learned while fulfilling my previously set commitment to serve as an Election Official for Delaware's Early Voting cycles, the Primary Elections and the General Mid-Term Elections. (No, this isn't a political diatribe nor a discussion on any political candidate/platform or viewpoint....for the day has come and gone for that. The people have spoken!) This is more-so observations I've made while being, for all intents and purposes...sequestered...and unable to build or conduct business while in service to the community. People are generally good-natured and eager to help one another. When I shared the news about opening a studio with fellow election officials, the response was overwhelmingly supportive! I had an audience (captive?) who listened, offered advice and leant me a shoulder to commiserate on, too. Many of the folks I served with are ALSO local business owners/entrepaneurs who felt compelled to help their community and the people within it in ways that have nothing to do with their respective businesses but everything to do with helping to make the lives of others a little bit better. To do more-than-expected. To make a difference. It feels really good to be counted among these great folks and I am proud of everyone who worked together to conduct such a safe, streamlined, efficient and successful election process. 2. Small and micro-business owners wear a LOT of hats... Especially when just getting up and running. We tend to think success comes by default to business owners...but there is a LOT of hard work, sleepless nights and stress to go along with that success! When I decided to give this a go; I became a painter, cleaner, interior designer, janitor, project manager, website developer, marketing specialist, social worker/counsellor, toddler wrangler, motivational speaker, introverted extrovert, set designer, social media specialist...and that's in addition to professional portrait photographer, visual artist and print specialist. The line between employer/employee are non-existent at present...but that will be rectified in the coming months, 'cos there's NO way I can keep it up! To all of the Marketing Specialists, Administrative Assistants, Office and Front-End Specialists, Janitorial and Painting/Construction folks out there... you have my utmost respect! (And I'll be giving some of you a call soon. I need help!) I'm ready to get to the good stuff already! Let's make some portrait magic! 3. I'm not a "dreamer"....but dreams really DO come true! I had completely given up on my dream to "open a Portrait Studio on High Street". Don't ask me why my dream was so location specific...because I don't know...but people were really tired of hearing me say that! (I need to find out who ran a business from this location in the past. Putting that on my "to-do" list right now. *grins* ) I'd been working freelance and on-location for 7 years and had put down my camera completely...when this opportunity literally fell into my lap. Being the "negative Nancy" I'd become; I almost didn't follow up on the lead, too! I am immensely glad I resisted that urge...and still a little bit stunned to be honest! I am thrilled to call Seaford "Home" set some roots, meet some really great folks and to be lucky enough to call them"friends", too. I'm excited to become a part of the energy of the city, to be invited to document and participate in the special moments in the lives of the people I have yet to meet and call friend... Most of all... To grow where I am planted.