Are you like many of my clients...confused by the concept of "Minis"? (Mini-Sessions, that is.)
This month's Blog Post takes the confusion out of the "what/why/when/where" of the Mini-Sessions offered by #TheresaAJohnsonPortraitPhotographer.
Let's start with the...
WHAT: What are "Minis"?
Basically, mini-sessions or "minis" are bite-sized experiences of what it's like to work with me.
A mini-session is a much shorter version of a full-portrait session experience (we're talking 15 -30 minutes as opposed to 1-2 hours).
Mini-Sessions are themed or based around a single backdrop/setting/color/season/location etc. and those variables chosen by the photographer. There usually isn't a lot of wiggle room in terms of props/poses/or set changes.
(As opposed to the Full Portrait Session, where we pre-plan all of these elements together to create a highly customized, specific finished portrait collection).
WHY: Why a "mini-session"?
Because you deserve it!
You see; I believe EVERYONE deserves to have professional, high-quality portrait photography in their home.
I'd go so far as to say that everyone NEEDS it, in fact...just maybe not every season or every year.
Portrait photography can be expensive AND time-consuming; especially to a cash-and-time-strapped family. But you and your family still deserve beautiful #familyportraits and you deserve to be present IN those beautiful family portraits, too!
Your kids/grands/great-grands deserve to find connection with you through the photographs and portrait legacy you establish.
Where? Where do we conduct mini sessions?
Well, MOST of the mini sessions done by @TajPortraitsSeaford were conducted in-studio on High Street before October 2024.
The beauty of #StudioMiniSessions by Taj Portraits, Seaford De., is that the environment is private and climate controlled. We're not slaves to the weather! And I've got themed backdrops for most every season and occasion; so if you're feeling like Christmas in July..or Fall in Spring...we can do it!
For example: take a look at the images up there.
They were ALL done, INDOORS and in-studio!
Pretty realistic-looking aren't they?
** Special Update **
I had to move my #SeafordDePortraitStudio space in September of 2024... away from High St. and into a space that was formerly my home.
More on that later, but, as there was another business waiting to get into the space I vacated; it was a hasty move and I didn't have time to let the public know ahead of time.
But the good news is: I'm STILL located in Seaford, De. proper...more centrally-located.
And, while this move caused a lot of strife and difficulty for my business; ultimately it opened up MORE opportunity for #OutdoorPortraits , #GoldenHourFamilyPortraits, on-premesis and pricing adjustments that make it easier than ever to schedule and conduct both full and #minisessions, too!
Which brings me to the last element...
When!? When do we conduct mini-sessions?
The GREAT news is that I recently made mini-sessions an option offered all the time in terms of a Service Level. Additionally, special mini-session events are scheduled throughout the year and are often themed to coordinate around special holidays and/or seasons of the year.
In 2025, I'll be adding super exclusive, themed #PetMiniSessions to the mix at two locations.
Think 4th of July outdoor pet minis (sans the scary fireworks!) and old-fashioned lemonade stand minis with children and their canine companion!
Spring Flower gardens around the new studio space make for gorgeous seasonal minis outdoors, too.
Tips: How to make your next mini session experience effortless, stressless and fun!
DO: prepare the night before. If you have specific wardrobe pieces in mind, make sure everyone's clothing is clean, pressed (if necessary), fits well and in good repair. It helps to arrive already dressed (to minimize wrinkles from being packed into a bag), but the studio has a comfortable, private #dressingroom if you prefer.
DO: Arrive on time...or notify the studio if you're running late! Most times, I have left enough room for late arrivals of up to 15 minutes, but if things just aren't going well...consider rescheduling. It's going to be easier on your sanity in the long run and your photographer will appreciate you for it. (Taj Portraits does not charge extra for rescheduling.)
DON'T: arrive with extra people or animals to add or props to incorporate into this mini session. Mini Sessions are usually themed and already set up when you arrive. Addionally, it's an unfair inconvenience to clients scheduled after you. If you think you'd like to add someone or something not already discussed; DO call and check with the photographer BEFORE you head over. You might get lucky, but even if you don't...your photographer will be able to advise you.
DO: make sure everyone appearing in photos is fed, well-rested, properly bribed.... um, no scratch that last one (unless it works!? wink ) "Hangry" is not a good look on anyone!
DO: update your photographer on moods, illness (no matter how minor) or other special considerations when you arrive. It helps improve the efficiency and flow of your session.
DO: keep an open mind and let go of the reins a little. You've kept your photographer in the loop, given as much insight and history about each of your family members and self and planned this ahead TOGETHER with your photographer. Now is the time to let loose a the process, trust your photographer ...and have a little fun! I promise, the time will FLY by. And just when you're feeling'll be all over.
There you have it... the full "Skinny on Minis".
I hope you get something useful from this blog post: The Skinny On Minis", by Taj Portraits, Seaford De.
Feel free to hit that "heart" icon down there to let me know and help me get the word out by sharing the link with friends and family.
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments...please leave them in the comments section below.
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